Saturday, June 30, 2012

my madrid experience

we arrived in madrid yesterday morning and everyone was completely exhausted. our hotel was right across the street from a mall, so a few of us went shopping and just hung around the hotel. last night a large group of us decided to go out to this club. it was one of the neatest things i've seen so far. it had 7 different levels and each level had a different theme to it. it was a lot of fun. we ended up staying there until about 4am and decided to head back.

this morning we went on a walking tour of madrid. the buildings were beautiful and we saw a lot of neat stuff. pick pocketers are very common and our tour guide saw a group of 3 women while we were walking that she recognized as pick pocketers. pick pocketers target tourists and usually leave their own people alone. needless to say i was guarding my purse for my life.. and luckily nobody in our group had anything taken. we also went to an art museum and took a tour looking at art from major spanish artists. it was interesting. and i was amazed at how detailed all the paintings were even from the 1600s.

we took a bus to salamanca where i will be staying and studying for the remainder of the trip. my host mom is the sweetest thing, but doesn't speak any english. the people in madrid/salamanca have a bit of an accent. the pronounce c's and z' like th's. it almost sounds like a lisp. for example.. saying gracias here would sound like grathias. it has made it hard for me to understand, but i'm sure that i will catch on quickly.

i am staying in a room and have a roommate who is also in my program. my host mom has 2 other girls living with her that are studying in different programs, but they will be leaving next weekend. i haven't met them yet.

my host mom has a son whom i've met and i believe she also has 2 grandsons.

the internet connection here is so nice.. we had free wifi at the hotel yesterday and we all spent quite a bit of time on our computers.. it's amazing how attached to technology we are.

this evening we are going to a welcome party with all of our host families. it's supposed to be a pizza party. i think it will be a lot of fun. for now, i'm just relaxing in my room. i have everything unpacked.

now that i am finally somewhere with stable internet i will be able to post everyday. i am planning on posting before bed.. recapping my day.

that's all for now, i'm going to try to get some rest.

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