Thursday, July 26, 2012

farewell party

last night was an absolute blast. our program rented out a bar and we had our own personal flamenco show. it was a lot of fun. we also had tapas at the bar. after the show a group of us went to another bar to have tapas. we followed it up with more frozen yogurt :)

i went and hung out at a friend's house for awhile since it was still pretty early. we all met up in a park and then it started raining. luckily a few of us got back to the plaza before it started down pouring. we hung out there for awhile waiting for the storm to pass. our program directors ended up coming out with us last night and we all went and sang karaoke. i had an absolute blast. it was a bit sad thinking i only have a couple more night left, but happy at the same time since we were all together having a good time. i never thought i would become so attached to so many people after only a month. i'm truly going to miss everyone here. there's quite a few of us that live close so we're planning on getting together when we return home. i can't wait! i didn't end up getting home until around 3 and i went straight to bed.

class today was fun. since we're done with our exams and we only have tomorrow we're relaxing in class. everyone has been sharing stories about their time here and it's been a lot of fun. it's crazy to think that i have class everyday with so many people from around the world. this program has been a blessing.

after class i walked around for awhile. one of the benefits of only having class until noon is that i have a solid hour and a half to walk around and shop before everyone else is out of class. it's not nearly as crowded. for lunch today we had bean and rice soup (it was delicious, but the weather is too warm for me to have hot soup), meat, and grilled peppers. i had a banana for dessert. i packed some of my stuff after lunch. i needed to see if all my stuff was going to fit in my suitcases. i'm pretty sure everything will fit, so i don't have to buy another suitcase while i'm here.

a picture with my spanish parents! :)

i'm going horseback riding this afternoon. a group went last week and they had a lot of fun. i can't wait. it's supposed to be a very long ride and then we get to go swimming afterwards.

tonight everyone is going out again. some of the bars in town are having going away parties for the 4 week students so i'm sure there will be a lot of people out. this town is known for putting on a good fiesta and it hasn't let me down yet. i'm trying to get as much in as i can before i leave.

tomorrow will be my last post abroad. how sad is that? it doesn't seem like 4 weeks have passed and i keep telling the people that are here for 6 weeks that the rest of their time is going to fly by. it's been such a wonderful experience.


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